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an activity by an individual or group which aims to influence decisions within political, economic, and social systems and institutions.

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If you are a U.S. Veteran, register with LIFT A VET so we may advocate on your behalf. Let us know if there is an area you would like us to focus on.


Below are examples of how LIFT A VET is advocating for our veterans, their families, and communities.  The documents are simple PDF files which you can select to view.  Some documents have been sanitized to preserve identities or sensitive information. 

Click on the PDF icon to open the actual document.

2018 Mar 8 - Equinoterapia Thank You Letter and Program Update

For the last three year Lift A Vet (LAV) has been a driving force in the development of Equinoterapia Puerto Rico. In 2016, both organizations were in a transitional stage of development and since then have been able to mutually support and counsel each other. Thanks to LAV guidance and interest in the wellbeing of the veterans on the island we have been providing EAAT to veterans with post traumatic syndrome (PTS).

As of today 30 veterans with PTS and/or spinal cord injury have participated in the program. The EAAT sessions have proven to be able to enhance the quality of life of the participants. At every session participants create memories of peaceful, joyful, happy moments that endure.

2018 Mar 5 - Congressional SFR Request for VA Healthcare: Maximizing Resources in Puerto Rico

...the Committee on Veterans' Affairs, Subcommittee on Health, of the U.S. House of Representatives will meet in open session to conduct an oversight field hearing entitled, "VA Healthcare: Maximizing Resources in Puerto Rico." During the hearing, the Subcommittee will discuss the provision of Department of Veterans Affairs' (VA's) medical and mental health care programs, as well as VA care in the community programs, with focus on the best use of available resources. Additionally, we would like to hear about lessons learned from coordination actions before and after a major disaster response...

You (or your designee) are invited to submit a statement for the record to the Subcommittee regarding the above issues.

2018 Mar 12 - Congressional SFR Response from LIFT A VET

We feel that our recommendations to the Subcommittee can have direct positive impact on the Veterans Administration Caribbean Healthcare System (VACHS) and the disproportionate number of veterans living in remote, mountainous rural areas of Puerto Rico, the Islands Municipalities of Vieques and Culebra and the U.S. Virgin Islands. While many veterans in the metropolitan are receiving great care from the VA in San Juan, reports from other parts of the island do not accurately reflect the scope of the problem outside the city. Monitoring of veterans with low mobility or who are otherwise disabled living in areas is difficult under ideal conditions and was exacerbated by the recent natural disasters. VACHS San Juan has probably provided more care at national standard levels than other facilities around the island but was heavily dependent on incoming supplies and workers from the mainland. In addition, an accurate record of beneficiaries is crucial to providing care during and in the immediate aftermath of such disasters. Currently, the chief complaint I hear from many veterans is service – too slow or, in some cases, low priority.

-- See the document for a number of recommendations to Congress

2017 Nov 2 - U.S. Department of Transportation: Letter of Commendation

I wanted to take a moment to commend your organization, and to be more specific, Mr. Raul Rosas for his dedication and seamless support for our Military Veterans in Puerto Rico. One of the primary challenges we encountered upon arriving to Puerto Rico immediately following Hurricane Irma was the inability to adequately assess the medical needs of the local population. Mr. Rosas played a critical role in mitigating these challenges and ensuring that the needs of our Veterans were elevated to the appropriate agencies.

One particular case involved a Department of Defense beneficiary who required a priority orthopedic surgery not available in Puerto Rico. Due to the communication challenges and failed infrastructure, the patient was left at home with no access to medical care. Mr. Rosas went above and beyond any possible expectation and was able to make contact with the patient and provided valuable information needed to move this patient. Mr. Rosas coordinated and ensured the patent was transported via ambulance from the patient's home to Hospital Centro Medico, where medical staff were anticipating her arrival. After further evaluation, the medical team found it necessary to medevac the patient back to the U.S. mainland, which is where my organization was able to assist. The patient was expedited back to the U.S. mainland where she received excellent care and is recovering well.

I am certain this patient would not have received the care she needed and deserved if it weren't for a team of dedicated personnel with an unified mission for taking care of our Military Veterans.

2017 Sep 27 - Department of the Navy: Sailor Evacuation Authorization

Following the devastation left in the wake of Hurricane Maria, the risk to the service member has been elevated to a point that requires his immediate return to the continental United States.

...let this letter serve as the official authorization allowing the LIFT A VET organization to assist in the evacuation of CTR 1 XXXXXXXXX and his parents.

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Fed VTE (Federal Virtual Training Environment)

The Federal Virtual Training Environment (FedVTE) provides free online cybersecurity training to U.S. government employees, Federal contractors, and veterans.

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