
Business / Tech Incubators

We are developing inter-generational living and learning environments that integrate academic, vocational, veteran skill sets to create and sustain jobs in local communities.  Due to ideal conditions at Roosevelt Roads, Puerto Rico, establishing business and technical incubators will help establish a veteran community willing to give back to and integrate with the local civilian communities.

Roosevelt Roads Patch.png

Roosevelt Roads Revitalization

Roosevelt Roads was a bustling U.S. Naval Station in Puerto Rico for many years which was closed in 2004.  Left behind was now gutted infrastructure, perfectly usable buildings which are now mostly overgrown with jungle, resources and areas also overgrown with an over-abundance of vegetation.  LIFT A VET is partnering with Great Bay Global LLC to revitalize and co-develop key areas on Roosevelt Roads to create a synergy between the local community and our U.S. veterans.  There is a lot of work ahead, but we feel that honoring our vets is the main reward.  There are some key ares we will focus on to bolster other programs and projects.

Housing Community:  LIFT A VET has partnered with Noble Realty Advisors, LLC to design a community of affordable housing for vets and civilians focusing on environmental impact, sustainability, affordability, and innovation.  Working directly with HUD, USDA, and VA to fund these projects, we are able to renovate existing structures into single family, townhouse, condominium type structures.

Commercial Revitalization:  Left behind are a myriad of structures aimed at supporting the local population including:  gas stations, stores / markets, theaters, educational facilities, and more.  These facilities can be revitalized and rebuilt to provide the support needed while employing veterans and local civilians to provide and economic stimulus to the local municipalities.

Community Center:  Anyone can build structures and establish businesses, but to truly integrate veteran families with local families, community centers are key.  By providing a multitude of family and youth activities / programs, a stable, integrated populous can thrive and grow together with a focus on giving back to their community.

Parks:  A number of areas have been selected as common areas / parks for their beauty, splendor, serenity.  Everyone should be able to walk to a local park to sit, enjoy a picnic, marvel over a sunrise / sunset, or even meditate under some trees gently swaying in the wind.

Schools:  There are a number of educational facilities on the base.  Beyond schools for children, we will be developing schools for the business / tech incubators.  Veterans trained in vocational skills can teach the local community and can also benefit from skills brought to them from the civilian community.  Giving people purpose and a vocation can not only extend their lives, but also improve the quality of life.


Continuum of Care for Veterans


LIFT A VET embraces the concept of Continuum of Care for our veterans.  By evaluating, guiding, and tracking patients through our clinics, we can provide a comprehensive set of health services encompassing all levels of care.  Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) affects many vets due to active duty assignments and other traumatic lift events which must be evaluated and treated with dignity and respect through resolution.  Our goal is to identify the level of care necessary for the individual, apply critical care and observation where needed, provide a multitude of programs to ease the transition back into civilian life while monitoring the individual all the way through the process.  We would be remiss if we just stopped at PTSD while many veterans are suffering from opioid / other additions, sexual trauma, and domestic violence.  Careful planning and management of each patient along with the coordination of care and alignment with different levels of programs with the ultimate goal of complete wellness is the heart of our commitment to our vets.  Applying a special focus to complete wellness of each individual allows for a better quality of life and can transform a patient requiring acute hospital care to one that can thrive within their community and in civilian life with a newfound purpose and much improved health.  As patients progress, followup and wellness tracking allow us to monitor all stages of care extending into home care and housing.


Holistic Mental Health and Wellness Services for Vets

LIFT A VET's Macri Clinic will deliver a holistic, sustainable inpatient and outpatient program designed around continuum of care.  Specialized practitioners will offer therapy to veterans suffering from PTSD, addiction, sexual trauma, and domestic violence.  One of the largest issues in our society is the over-use of opioids and medications which lead to induced dependencies.  To combat these issues, therapy will be augmented with high grade, standardized supplements and wellness programs to provide natural alternatives for all of our veterans.  Counseling, guiding, and tracking methods with each individual provide a closed loop process for defining success around continuum of care. 

PTSD Clinic: Our Macri Clinic will treat PTSD, addiction, sexual trauma, and domestic violence.  Due to the revitalization project at Roosevelt Roads, we will use existing infrastructure and buildings to launch the clinic with additional phases slated to grow and add multiple care levels based on the continuum of care. 

Phase I: Utilize, revitalize, rehabilitate existing structures, resources, grounds

Phase II: Build new, state-of-the-art PTSD primary care facility integrating wellness, business incubators, training and intern program to further continuum of care plan

Phase III:  Expand PTSD clinic for non-critical personnel.  Add state of the art multi-interdisciplinary, specialty, referral center for the Caribbean theater to create a world-class clinic

Therapy and Supplements: Practitioners will use a variety of proven techniques to treat PTSD sufferers along with addiction, sexual trauma, and domestic violence abuse.  Coupling therapy programs with standardized, high quality supplements and other alternative methods of treatment we aim to relieve drug dependencies and provide a higher level of wellness and quality of life.  As part of the continuum of care, tracking patients through different levels of support and lift are critical to measure success and provide feedback in the programs to continuously improve patient outcomes and care.

Equine Therapy: LIFT A VET has partnered with an equine therapy provider currently working on Roosevelt Roads.  Horses are used to provide tranquility and low levels of structure to help PTSD sufferers heal in a very low-stress environment.  This therapy has seen very positive, impactful results allowing vets to thrive in their communities as civilians.


Community Investment & Engagement

Treating veterans is an important undertaking, but it is not where LIFT A VET stops.  In order to provide quality of life and properly give back to our heroes, we will develop a cadre of trained volunteers to actively participate as lay leaders connecting veterans and their families with services and opportunities in the local community.  Once veterans and their families are synergistically connected to their communities, our job is complete.

Optics for Vets

LIFT A VET is partnering up with one or more companies to provide optics for veterans in need.  Self adjusting glasses and prescription glasses are the targets for this program.  Please stay tuned as we are forming this program and it is in the early stages.